Friday, July 31, 2009

Flat Belly Day 1 and 2

Okay, I tried the Flat Belly Diet Jumpstart. Day 1 went exactly as planned, textbook in fact. I followed the meal plan exactly. So proud of myself. There was one glitch. I hated, and I mean HATED "Sassy Water"...yuk. I couldn't drink it. Now I know what my patients were feeling when I tell them to drink a gallon of "Golytely" (bowel prep before a colonscopy). I think I needed the NGT to get that stuff down. It's awful. I think I drank about 10 oz or so and gave up. I dumped it out and filled it with regular water. I measured and weighed my food. Drank my "un-Sassy" water.

Day 2 went to crap. I woke up with a headache and felt bad in general. Finally, I took 2 ES Tylenol and drank some water and I started to feel better. I had lunch with my friend I haven't seen in a long time and you can guess what happened. I didn't follow the mealplan. I did at least eat the healthier alternative and then I felt nauseous (do you think it was guilt that made me feel this way? I dunno). So, in order to salvage this day, I will just count the points and move on. I'll eat the Flat Belly lunch I made tonight for dinner instead. UGH! I really wanted to see how I would do on the "Anti-Bloating Jumpstart" and I thought I could do 4 days without too much difficulty.

Reading this post, I feel like I made a lot of excuses. Maybe I am too hard on myself. I dunno. I can say that one thing I have learned from trying multiple diets is: If I don't like the food or the way I feel eating the food, it won't work. Adkins was killer for me. I missed my favorite foods so badly that I spent a crazy amount of time obsessing over them. I didn't feel healthy abstaining from fresh fruits during the induction phase. It felt wrong to be eating all meat and cheese--and not apples, grapes, and grapefruit. I understand the basic principles of the Adkins and Flat Belly diets and I think I can apply them to a certain extent.

I give a lot of credit to people who can "just say no" and stick to a mealplan exactly. I admire people who have the will power to do it on their own. I, on the other hand, feel like I need a buddy on this journey with me. My husband eats whatever he wants. He doesn't have a weight problem and likes for me to go out and eat with him all the time. He doesn't understand why I try so hard to eat a certain way. He thinks all you have to do is just work out and the weight will just fall off. I wish it were that easy.

I feel kind of weak today, Day 2 (geez, like I couldn't even do two whole days of a mealplan?) down the tubes. But I will pick myself up, and take my butt to Turbo Kick tonight and sweat out those feelings of guilt and come out feeling (and smelling, LOL) stronger.

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