Saturday, September 5, 2009

Down 1.6 lbs, but is it accurate?

Okay, I weighed in today. Down 1.6 lbs, but that isn't the full story. Last night I had fried chicken wings from the Chinese joint down the street. I haven't had any of those since I started WW. What made me decide to have that for dinner last night? I dunno. I'm sure I can pick a son is playing football in Hawai'i and I'm not there to watch him play (I really miss him a lot) mother-in-law is in hospice, and we aren't there with her (hopefully we get there before she passes)...I have a crazy/insane week ahead of me when I return to work after the long weekend...ANY one of those will do, I guess. How about, I have no will power? I just wanted some fatty/salty food~something that tastes good but isn't good for me? Yeah, I think that's it.

So, as always, I got up and went to the gym for my Saturday morning Combat class. My friend/co-worker Kim even came along. I didn't expect her to, but I invite her every Saturday and she surprised me by coming (see? nagging really does work, LOL). I got on the weight machines since apparently muscle burns more calories than fat (that's what they said in school, anyway). Then I came home and did 45 min on the elliptical machine. So, I'm tired. But guess what I did after I sweated out all that water? Yup, I got on the scale. Is that cheating? Maybe.

I figured the salt from the wings was causing me to retain water so I might as well get some out before I weigh myself (yeah, how did you like that excuse? I pulled that one out from the archive). So even though my scale says I'm down, I am not really celebrating the loss. I think I basically broke even. I do feel good about working out more than I usually do. For the last couple of months, I was satisfied with just the hour of Combat 3x per week--but the scale wasn't moving. I notice that when I do a little bit more than just Combat the scale moves a little.

You know, my sister-in-law (the one who turned me on to WW) told me she worked out at least 45 min 3x per week so that she could earn enough activity points to be able to eat the food she loves. In essence, I'm doing the same thing. I figure I'm eating most of the calories I burn--especially when I only did Combat. I think that if I do Combat Plus (plus elliptical or Arc Trainer, etc) then I am more likely to see the scale move.

So I am goint to do a little experiment. I am going to try to eat well, splurge some (otherwise I may go on a binge, and that would be worse) and do Combat Plus. If I lose a little more next week, then maybe I will have found a formula.

I have to work at the hospital tomorrow but I'm off on Monday for the holiday. Gonna try "Body Vive"--kinda like low impact Body Attack with resistance bands and a Tai Chi ball. Sounds interesting. Might be worth a try.